

The Beginning:

                 “I wish I knew it was crowded.”

                                                           “I wish I knew the park was closed.”

             “I wish I knew the park was still wet.”

                                                                   “I wish I knew the lights were off”

It started from a few simple comments that I would hear every time I was at the skatepark. Someone would always have to complain about crowds, about the lights going off too early, the park randomly being closed, or the fact that the rain didn’t dry from the night before. It became repetitive and realized no one was taking action to fix this simple inconvenience that we face as skate park users.

Rampstatus was then born..

The project started as just an idea, and nothing more. After validating the problem for a semester at school, I then took matters into my own hands and created this prototype.

Then Covid hit…

After a year of standing still and unable to move forward with city officials, we are back on the map trying to change the world of skate parks and give back to a community we love!




Founder and Owner:

Jonathan Simek

jon Simek

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